by Tennis Club of ABQ | Aug 23, 2020 | News and Events, Tennis
Fall Junior programing is here, starting, Tuesday, August 25th! Due to the unique circumstances we are still facing and limits for number of students on court, we are going to offer class signups in
two week increments once again.
by Tennis Club of ABQ | Jul 8, 2020 | News and Events, Swimming
Session 3: July 14th through July 24th Tuesday – Two time slots available – 10am to 10:30am and 10:35am to 11:05am.
by Tennis Club of ABQ | Jun 7, 2020 | News and Events, Swimming
TCA will be opening our pool for lap swim only (Per the Governor’s orders). As soon as we can, we will open at 50% capacity for open swim. We will now have online signups to reserve your spot. If you have not signed up, you are welcome to call to see if a lane is open. Please read our new rules for using the pool.
by Tennis Club of ABQ | May 31, 2020 | News and Events, Swimming, Tennis
TCA and the Fitness Center take this pandemic seriously. We also understand that exercise is a great stress reliever and is good for us all. Therefore, please read and adhere to our guidelines
by Tennis Club of ABQ | May 24, 2020 | News and Events, Social Events, Tennis
Friday, June 5 beginning at 5:30pm
$15 per event, per head
See flyer for details!
by Tennis Club of ABQ | May 24, 2020 | Fitness Center, News and Events, Tennis
A quick update on our plans to re-open the Club…