Parents please register your swimmer(s) on the following website, pay and then you will receive an email to “activate” your account based on the email given during registration.
After registration, you’ll receive a confirmation email detailing when practices start and a link to the team store on Team suits are not required – but optional.
Going forward, things are set up on the website and TCA will be working everything through the website and app this year – to include signing up as a volunteer, signing up for meet events and notifying parents of pool closures due to weather etc.
Here is how we’ve broken down team parent responsibilities this year:
Felisa (505-720-2491 and
- Registration-related questions (website)
- Meet set up & online event sign up & time input with Jimmy
Lani (505-410-1801 and
- Team communication (emails & app) & communication with Jimmy
- Sundance communication & board member
- End of year gifts & coaches gifts
Diane (505-850-0146 &
- Setup team store online at
- Website design & general info